Shuo Wang is a lecturer at School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham. Her research interests include data stream classification, class imbalance learning and ensemble learning approaches in machine learning, and their applications in social media analysis, software engineering and fault detection.
Professor Lee Chapman’s research interests are at the interface of climatology and engineering investigating the impact of weather and climate on the built environment; an important research area given the ever-increasing concentration (and vulnerability) of the population and critical infrastructure in urban areas. This covers a range of topics and sub-disciplines including infrastructure meteorology, urban climatology and climate change adaptation. Knowledge transfer, impact and business engagement are at the heart of this research agenda and underpins much of his work.
Wang Zhaoyang is a PhD student in the School of Computer Science, the University of Birmingham. Currently, he is working on the stream data with Automated machine learning.
Lv Huanbo is a first year PhD student at the University of Birmingham. He is cofunded by the university and Siemens to optimize the space utilization in the university.
Zhou Shiqiao is a first year PhD student at the University of Birmingham. He is cofunded by the university and Siemens.