Editiing and compiling LaTeX documents locally requires a LaTeX distribution. A common choice is TeX Live, which is self-contained and easy to use. The only downside is that it is large in size as it contains all packages from CTAN.
This is a collection of some awsome softwares that I have used and found useful.
For some reason you want to transfer from tensorboard to wandb, then you will suffer from this problem where there are already some tensorboard runs with configs to be uploaded to wandb.
Github is a great platform for open source projects. However, the access to github.com is not always fast. In this post, I will show how to modify the hosts file to speed up the access to github.com in China.
Tensorboard is a great tool for machine leanring process visualization.
The key component of tensorboard is the SummaryWriter
The writer has methods include add_scalars, add_histogram, add_image, add_embedding, add_pr_curve, add_audio, add_text, add_video, add_mesh, and add_hparams.
Inserting awsome figure produced by matplotlib into latex is a bit tricky considering the resolution, font size, and the size of the figure. Formats as png and jpg are easy to be inserted into latex, but the resolution is not good enough for a paper, especially when you want to zoom in to see the details.
When you are using a computer cluster, you are usually given a quota of disk space as home directory.
This home directory allows you to store necessary script files that customize your working environment, for example, .bashrc
, .vimrc
, .tmux.conf
, etc.
With this target, the quota of your home directory is usually not large, e.g., 10GB.
This is a fair small space when you put your project data in it or faild to manage your files.
Python built-in module argparse is a very useful tool to parse command line arguments. In prodcution, we usually run python scripts in command line. When import a package contain argparse in Jupyter Notebook, it will raise an error.
It’s common to use Times New Roman font in academic papers, but the default font in matplotlib is not Times New Roman. Here I will show you how to change the font in matplotlib figures.
It confused a lots of people to make their site visible on Google search engine. I summarize the steps to achieve it according to my experience recently. The key points are:
Why Github pages with jekyll theme?